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氏名 山口 賢一 (Kenichi Yamaguchi)



Poststructuralist Political Ecology: Cultural and Ecological Destruction and Modern Discourses in the Case of Colonization and Development of the Ainu and Hokkaido, Master's Thesis, University of Regina, 2004

Rationalization and Concealment of Violence in American Responses to 9/11: Orientalism(s) in a State of Exception, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, June 2012

Post-World War Governance in Okinawa: Normalizing U.S Military Exceptionalism, PhD Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2014

がん患者の倦怠感を軽減するための運動療法のエビデンス:文献レビュー、神里みどり、大城真理子、山口賢一、玉井なおみ、謝花小百合、日本リハビリテーション看護学会誌、2017, p25ー33

Elaboration on MA thesis, Poststructuralist Political Ecology: Cultural and Ecological Destruction and Modern Discourses in the Case of Colonization and Development of the Ainu and Hokkaido, at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Conference, held at University of Saskatchewan in June 2007

Legality and Illegality of State Violence: the Case of the Nanjing Massacre, at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Conference, held at University of Saskatchewan in June 2007

Resurgence of Orientalism or Recurrence of Sovereign Violence: Reflections on Discourse and Juridical Order in American Responses to 9/11, at the Canadian Association of Geographers, held at University of Saskatchewan in June 2007

Discipline and Bureaucratic Violence: Okinawans’ Shuudan Jiketsu (Mass Suicide) during World War II, the Berkeley Journal of Sociology Conference on “Violence,” held at University of California, Berkley in March 2008

“Post”-Post-Structuralist Political Ecology: Beyond Discourse Analysis?: in the Case of Hokkaido Colonization in Japan, at the International Perspective in Governance Conference, held at University of Saskatchewan in June 2008





2015 Outstanding Graduating Student Award, Canadian Sociological Association(学会賞)