

Title: Development of Advance Nursing Specialists in Islands Nursing

1. Outline of the program establishment

2. Contents of the program

@1) Establishment of a new education research sphere
@2) Admission number and system in the islands health nursing sphere
@3) Establishment of new subjects in the Islands Health Nursing sphere
@4) Study venues and teaching methods in islands health nursing at home
@@and abroad

3. Figure: Integrated Education of Training in the Field and Distance Education

4. Training Program for Advanced Nursing Specialists in Islands Nursing.

@Rationale for adoption from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and
Technology Japan.

5. Presentation : Development of Advanced Nursing Specialists in Islands Nursing

6. Masterfs Program: Islands Health Nursing

1) Structure of the educational subject
2) Syllabus: Island Health and Nursing Theory I , Island Health Nursing Seminar, Island
  Health and Nursing Practicum, Community Culture and Nursing Theory, Community
  Cooperation among Multi-profession Theory, Island Health and Nursing Problem Study

7. Doctorfs Program: Islands Health Nursing

1) Structure of the educational subjects
2) Syllabus: Island Health and Nursing Theory II , International Nursing in island, Island Health
@and Nursing  Special Study II

8. New OPCN program on estimate of budget from MEXT

@OPCN: Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
@MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Japan

9. FY 2009 Graduate Student Application Guidebook: Masterfs Course

10. FY 2009 Graduate Student Application Guidebook: Doctorfs Course

11. Faculty and Staff Member Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing



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