
Home@>@External and Self-evaluation@>@Proceedings order

External and Self-evaluation

Proceedings order

Program for Enhancing Systematic University Education (Development of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing)
External Evaluation Committee Meeting (The 1st meeting) Proceedings order

Date & Time: June 13(Sat.), 2009 14:00 ` 14:55
Place: Hotel Kyowa (7 Hirara Nishizato, Miyakojima City, Okinawa)

‚Pj Greeting of the chairman (president) of external evaluation committee
‚Qj The grant of the commission
‚Rj Committee self-introduction
‚Sj "Development of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing" program
@@@summary explanation
@@@E The Program plan and result for the fiscal year 2008
@@@E The Program plan for the the fiscal year 2009
‚Tj The comments from external evaluation committee
‚Uj Conclusion

Schedule for the external evaluation in the fiscal year 2009

Distribution materials
‚Pj Program for Supporting Educational Reform in Graduate School "Development
@@@of Advanced Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing" Result report for the fiscal
@@@year 2009 (booklet)
‚Qj Material collection of the public lectures and special lectures for Program for
@@Supporting Educational Reform in Graduate School "Development of Advanced
@@Nursing Specialist in Islands Nursing" in the fiscal year 2009. (booklet)
‚Rj Outline of Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate Schools.
@@The fiscal year 2009`2010 (booklet)
‚Sj Program for Enhancing Systematic Education in Graduate School 2008`2010
5) The 2009 graduate-student manual Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing
@@Graduate School (extract)
6) 2009 year SYLLABUS Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing Graduate School
7) Others : the handout leaflets for graduate school GP, pamphlets, etc.


y Contact z
Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, Graduate School
1-24-1 Yogi, Naha City, Okinawa
Phone: 098 (833) 8800
FAX: 098 (833) 5133